Learning in the Prep year at Undurba State School
At Undurba State School, we engage 21st century learners by purposefully creating supportive environments that provide opportunities for learning and play that will facilitate your child's cognitive, social, emotional and physical development.
Undurba is a Positive Culture for Learning (PCL) school. We build and support academic and social success for all students through teaching student expected social behaviours. Our PBL mascot, Durby, is a visible presence around the school encouraging students to follow the four school expectations of
Caring for Learning, Caring for Others, Caring for Myself and
Caring for my School. Students following school expectations get to spend time with Durby, receive special 'Paw' awards and participate in Durby celebration activities.
What will my child learn in the Prep Year?
The learning experience in the Prep Year will assist your child to:
- take on responsibilities and become increasingly independent
- respect other people and value culture and diversity
- cooperate with others
- make sensible choices about their health and safety
- develop their physical skills, oral language, and reading & writing skills
- develop skills to be confident, resilient, cooperative and persistent learners
- use their imagination and creativity
- learning about their environment
- learn new skills in the Australian Curriculum areas of English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, the Arts, and Health and Physical Education.
Undurba school community
When you enrol your child at Undurba State School, your family will become part of our school's community.
- We see you as partners and will encourage your involvement
- We see all children as successful learners.
- We will value your child's strengths, motivations and interests.
- We will value your child's prior-to-school experiences.
- We will invite your family to participate in school activities.
- We will communicate with you regularly.
- We will be ready for your family.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the Undurba State School community.
Eligibility for 2026 Prep Enrolment
Prep enrolments for 2026 are now open. Please visit our School Office to collect an enrolment pack.
Eligible students will be born between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. Children will need to be five by 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep. It is anticipated that early entry to Prep will only be allowed for children on transfer across Australia and internationally who have been enrolled in a similar pre-Year program. To determine if your child is eligible to enrol in Prep, please check the Queensland Government's Preparing for Prep website.
We value the importance of taking the time to get to know you and your child and to show you our remarkable school facilities to enable you to make the right choice for your family. It is our goal to make every new student to our school feel calm and eager to learn in their new environment. We offer learning programs that are suitable to meet the needs and interests of our littlest learners. All enrolment enquiries can be directed through the School Office on (07) 3480 9111.
Key dates for Prep 2025
Interviews for parents and children
All students enrolling at Undurba State School must attend an enrolment interview. Please contact the office to arrange a booking. Interviews will commence in Term 2, 2025.
Ready-Set-Prep student classroom visits
To make the transition to school a smooth and familiar process, all future Prep students and parents are invited to join our Prep teachers for some activities and visit a classroom. Our Ready- Set- Prep visits will commence in November.