
Student leadership


Student Leadership is a fundamental key to the ongoing and continued success of Undurba State School. Students design and drive improvement agendas across and beyond our school in committees. Our student leadership group have formed and defined the student leader responsibilities and believe that leadership is not found in a badge but in our every effort to assist students to progress and succeed.

Our student leadership team is comprised of the following positions:

  • School Captains (including Vice Captains) x 4
  • Sports House Captains x 6
  • Arts Captains x 4
  • Indigenous Ambassadors x 2
  • Student Council x 6

Year 5 Student Council Representatives are not required to apply as detailed in the roles and responsibilities table below and are additional members of the Student Council. There is 1 Year 5 leader for each class.

Please download and complete the application pack (PDF, 168KB)​​.

Application process

Students complete the nomination included in this pack and submit it by the due date detailed on the time line page. All applicants will then present to a panel of school representatives. This panel will then rate each applicant against the criteria detailed in the interview section of this pack. Students a ranked by score and the top 8 applicants are then invited to deliver a speech to the P–6 student community across two assemblies. All students will then vote and the top 4 students will be offered a position as one of our School Captains for the following year.

Application timeline

Term 3 Weeks 9–10Year 5 teachers' present leadership Powerpoint and brief leader lessons min 3 per wee​k to students in read​iness for applications to be sent out Week 10 Term 3.​​
Term 4 Week 4Application forms due to the office by Friday Term 4 week 3.
Week 5Tue to Thu interviews for all positions take place and students shortlisted for School Captain speeches.
Week 6Shortlisted applicants notified and prepare speeches.
Weeks 7–8Shortlisted applicants present speech to whole of school. Students vote in class ballots.
Week 10Final parade – Current School Captains give departing speech and new captains are announced by Admin.
Term 1 Week 4Induction assembly (Yrs 4–6) with all parents of leadership group invited to attend. Presentation of badges and blazers. Student leaders also stand and deliver the leadership pledge to the students present.

Application criteria

Each student leadership role is crucial to the success of our school. Students who apply to be part of the leadership team must fully understand the responsibility of each role detailed below. Applicants must also have demonstrated the positive behaviour and effort grades across multiple subject areas (minimum 4) and multiple years (minimum 2 consecutive) to be considered. Applicants also agree to attend all student leadership meetings, events and wear their full school uniform with pride including blazers and other uniforms representative of our school. All applicants are to ensure that they are prepared at all times to lead by example at all times and in all things and in all places.

Interview process

Applicants will be given an opportunity to present a response to the following questions to a panel. The panel will be comprised of the following people:

  • School Captains and Vice Captains
  • Principal
  • Deputy
  • 2 teaching staff

Each applicant will be given 5 mins to present their response the questions followed by 5 mins discussion with panel.

For each domain, students will be rated out of 5 by each panel member. Students will then be ranked by score with the highest ranking student being offered an applied for position accordingly. Students who are applying for School Captain will then be short listed and invited to present a speech to the whole school across two assemblies (4–6 and P–3). The student community will then vote with the 4 highest voted for students being appointed to the 4 Captain positions (2 x Captains; 2 x Vice Captains).

The student leadership team for the following year, including the announcement of the captains will occur during the Thursday whole school assembly in the last week of the school year.

Posi​​tion Responsibilities
School Captains (and Vice)
  • Lead School assemblies and events including Anzac Ceremony (planning, organising, review and delivery).
  • Participate in Leadership Cluster Meetings.
  • Lead Student Council Meetings and committees to review and improve school operations and initiatives.
  • Represent Undurba at functions within the school and outside the school.
  • Assist the Principal/Deputy and representatives with a variety of tasks both during and after school time.
  • Welcome visitors to the school and represent school with pride.
Indigenous Ambassadors
  • Coordinate the Acknowledgement of Country at all events.
  • Lead the delivery of NAIDOC week and other key events.
  • Represent the school at events and ceremonies.
  • Member of the Student Council.
Student Councillors
  • Fill the roles of treasurer/s and secretary/s on the Student Council as determined by the leadership team.
  • Coordinate the selling of event day items and collect funds from fundraising inanities.
  • Coordinate the promotion, organisation of Student Council led events (Discos, Colour Runs etc).
  • Support the new Preps and their families.
  • Conduct School Tours.

House Captains


  • Lead Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming carnivals including war cry chanting practise before and during carnivals.
  • Assist at the Prep–Yr 2 Athletics carnival.
  • Deliver sporting messages on assemblies.

The Arts Captains

4 students

  • Assist music staff in the promotion, coordination and delivering of music related excursions and events providing support to other members of your music group and Junior students.
  • Attend all music rehearsals and performances.
  • Support the Stage Crew in logistical requirements for the hall for events and performances.
  • Provide information for all music students ensuring that they are aware of when events and practices are on.
  • MC concerts and performances and present speeches at music nights and announce pieces at performances.
  • Accept awards on behalf of the choir/band/ensemble.
Yr 5 Student Councillors

Selection: Students are nominated and selected by the class teacher at the start of each Year and rotate to new councillors who are selected at the start of Semester 2.

Students actively engage in the work of the student council.

Last reviewed 18 November 2021
Last updated 18 November 2021