We would love to hear from you. If we can be of any further assistance or if you require further information about how we can provide a quality learning experience for your child please do not hesitate to contact us.
Telephone: (07) 3480 9111
Student Absence Line: (07) 3480 9111 (option 1)
Address: 49-57 Ogg Rd Murrumba Downs, 4503
Email: principal@undurbass.eq.edu.au
Office Email: admin@undurbass.eq.edu.au
Monday – Friday 8:00am–3:00pm
Principal – Leanne Odorico principal@undurbass.eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal – Rebecca Bedford (Prep & Inclusion) rbedf1@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal – Arlene Wieland (1-2) akwal2@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal – Michelle Plank (3-4) mplan4@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal – Jenny Simpson (5-6) jsimp20@eq.edu.au
Business Manager – Julia Wyer jwyer6@eq.edu.au
President – pandc@undurbass.eq.edu.au
Uniform shop /Tuckshop
Telephone: (07) 3480 9145
Hayley Boustead – hayley@fundurba.com.au
Debra Thornton – admin@fundurba.com.au
Telephone: (07) 3480 9129
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.