The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association meets on the third (3rd) Monday of each month in our school hall at 6:15 pm. The P&C Association is involved in the operation of services (tuckshop and outside hours school care) and other activities throughout the school community. The P&C team welcome parent involvement and love to see new faces at their meetings.
Potential areas of involvement for school community members are as:
- members of the elected executive team
- tuckshop volunteer
- member of fundraising committee or event volunteers / helpers.
Meeting dates 6:15pm we meet on the 3rd Monday of the month, in the Life Skills Room (Tuckshop Side of the Hall).
| Narrysa Callaghan
Vice President
| Gabriel Sorbello
| Angela Pedersen
Operations Manager
| Debbie Houston
As Operations Manager I look after the day to day operations of the P&C. I ensure all areas of the P&C, Tuckshop and OHSC (Fundurba) operate in accordance with policies and procedures as determined by Undurba State School P&C and relevant legislation.
Visit the Undurba P&C Facebook for further information about our P&C.
If you would like to join our P&C please contact us for the
membership form and return to the school office.