FUNdurba is Undurba State School’s very own outside school hours care service. Fundurba offers exceptional levels of care for students before and after school. This provides parents with peace of mind knowing that their children are engaged in educative and fun activities, in a safe and caring environment on our school site.
Fee schedule is per child, as at 2 June 2023.
Before school care (full morning) | 6.30am–8.30am | $19.00
Before school care (casual rate) | as required | $21.00
After school care (full afternoon) | 2.35pm–6pm | $31.00 |
After school care (Casual rate) | as required | $34.00
Vacation care (booked and pre-paid) | daily | $56.00
Vacation care (Casual rate)
| daily | $65.50
Enrolment Fee
| $20.00
Do you need Before or After School Care?
Get your bookings in now so you don't miss out!! FUNdurba Kids Club provides a safe, caring and stable environment for all children who attend the service. Our dedicated and experienced staff aim to provide a play and leisure program that develop a number of skills, whilst providing an environment that promotes continuity from school and home life. We offer a variety of structured and unstructured activities developed around the children’s skills and interests. These activities aim to develop social skills, self-esteem, life skills, motor skills and problem-solving skills, just to name a few. Activities are organised in small and large groups, or children may choose quiet time by themselves.
Some typical activities include:
Art and craft, Cooking, Board Games, Drama and dress-ups, Dance, Indoor and outdoor games, Music, Reading, Sport
Breakfast and afternoon tea is provided with a view to modelling positive nutrition habits.
Play and leisure time experiences chosen by children and supported by informed school-age care educators promote children’s learning and well-being. Children’s happiness, optimism and sense of fun are significant to their emotional wellbeing and resilience. In school-age care settings, children are actively involved in choosing the range of activities, which will develop their skills and attitudes towards life-long learning. Children will explore common interests and develop friendships as part of belonging to the school-age care community.
Play and leisure time is very important to children. Through play and leisure activities children:
- develop relationships with others
- express their personality and uniqueness
- develop curiosity, creativity and problem-solving skills
- make connections between prior experiences and life-long learning
- develop a sense of wellbeing.
FUNdurba Kids Club operates Monday to Friday during the school term. A Vacation Care program is offered during the school holiday period.
Operating Hours
Before school care: 6:30-8:30am
After school care: 2:35-6:00pm
Vacation Care and Pupil Free Days: 6:30am-6:00pm
If you require any further information or would like to pick up a parent pack, please come and visit our FUNdurba office which is located next to the Kindy.
We have vacancies for most days, contact the Fundurba office to make a booking
Contact details - (07) 3480 9129 or